Dominicans and Welcome

Preparing to leave water in the desert for travelers

How do we live today as citizens of our global village?  How do our decisions and choices create or hinder a future for others?  Some of our state governments have decided that our newly arrived brothers and sisters can be treated like chattel and loaded on buses or planes to be dropped off in cities all over the country.  


What are Dominicans called to do when we witness injustice?  Can we use our voices to bring the oppressive practices to light, such as writing editorials to local papers or joining GET OUT THE VOTE campaigns?  Can we join with others to eliminate suffering?  Can we offer time and energy as volunteers at respite sites? 


How will this suffering of our brothers and sisters enter into our prayer?  


We have a line in our Constitution:  “Present to God’s people whose hopes and sufferings are our own, we come to understand the living mystery of Christ.” (Constitution, 28)


Our lives must be a sign of welcome to all God’s people.  


Peggy Ryan, OP

Dominican University, River Forest, IL


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