Life in Bolivia

Greetings from Bolivia. I am one of many Dominican Women of Sinsinawa who have answered the call to come and live among the people of this land. Our sisters first came to Bolivia in 1960. During my first five years here, I lived and worked among an indigenous pueblo, the Guaraní. This year, I am ministering in a center for recovering alcoholics, La Colmena-Santa Rita. As part of this ministry, I visit the jail once a week. I am also part of a group that share bread and coffee with those living on the streets. On Saturdays we go to the public hospital to visit the sick and the dying. I am living my dream. I have heard the Spirit calling me in my deepest self. I am so full of gratitude for the gift of my vocation and for our call as Dominicans to respond to God’s dream with our lives. Sr. Peggy Ryan, OP