
Showing posts from June 8, 2014

"East Side, West Side"

We’re moving in a couple of weeks – giving up our house and garden.   For an apartment!   No more raking, or shoveling, no more mowing the lawn!   These are the hidden costs of living in a house. The big thing, though, is that we’re moving to the other side of town.    Currently I live on the east side.   For many years I lived on what we then called the “ west ” side, though now many consider it the “ central ” city.   The thing is that in all those years I rarely came to the east side !   It was “so far away” and the people who lived there were not as “sophisticated.”   But now I wonder why…because I absolutely love it here! Next weekend in the Church we will observe the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. The readings of the day seem to speak to this issue!  In the first reading from Exodus we hear God saying to Moses that he is “merciful and gracious, slow to anger and rich in kindness and compassion.” And the second readi...

A Time of Celebration

A month from now I will gather at our motherhouse with others in my "crowd" to celebrate my 50th jubilee.  It will be a time of great joy for us and for our families and friends who will share the day with us.  But it is also a time for quiet reflection and heartfelt gratitude for all that has happened during these past 50 years.  When I put my hands into the hands of our Prioress and promised obedience to God 50 years ago I had no idea what graces and blessings God would unfold in my life, what an abundance of good gifts and wonderful surprises I would receive. On my profession day I said "Yes" to wherever God would lead me, not realizing how dramatically religious life would change, how so many of my assumptions would be challenged.  But through the uncertain times and the upheavals, as well as the joyous times and profound moments, the awareness of God's presence in every part of my life kept me grounded, faithful and humble for 50 ye...