Nurture Your ‘Inner Mystic’

Maori Madonna and Child, New Zealand At the beginning of Advent I gave a Day of Reflection entitled: Advent – A Season for Everyday Mystics. I borrowed from an article I read in the journal for Spiritual Directors – Presence – in which the author (Ramona Harris) suggested these stepping stones for our inner mystic: Noticing, Awareness, Attentiveness, Appreciation, Making Connections, Living Authentically, Joy, Creativity, Stillness and Love. What would happen to us if we put these into our everyday lives? Transformation! I went on to suggest four Advent mystics as guides: Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph – as we read their stories in the infancy narratives of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. There we would see these stepping stones unfold in their lives. In these remaining Advent days – take time to nurture your inner mystic. Invite these biblical women and men to be your guides. Don’t stop there! Take this in...