A Small World After All

Who among us could not be anything but inspired and amazed by the story of the rescue of the miners in Chile? The courage, determination and community effort by those below was matched by the world joining together above ground to rescue them. We had a chance to wait with the miners through the News in the Paper, the T.V., or the Internet….almost every kind of media imaginable. And, we had a chance to watch side by side with the whole world as the rescue took place. Tuning into the current fate of the miners in these past months has made me realize what is really important and how connected we are to all of our brothers and sisters around the world. This experience in Chile, which we all took part in, tells us how small our world really is and how strong and loving our human spirit can be. We sang this song in church today: I need you, you need me We’re all part of God’s body You are important to me I need you to survive. I pray for you, you pray for me. I want to find ways to keep th...