At the Heart of Ministry Is Relationship

Have you ever after facing a challenging situation in your life in retrospect realized that it had helped you to grow and shaped you into a better person? It assisted you on the journey of finding the true you? We the Sinsinawa Dominicans believe at the heart of ministry is relationship. This became a reality for me while being the parish administrator at New Grant R.C. parish. It was through the challenges of that ministry for four and a half years that assisted in shaping me into who I have become today. It was through my daily interaction with all types of people, people I was expected to love and through various life situations that required me to lead by example. I literally had to practice what I had preached on weekends and it was far from easy!Without those experiences my faith and ability to love and forgive would not have been tested. My prayer life would not have been tested and strengthen. My relationship with Jesus Chr...