Attachment vs Detachment

Recently I looked at a show called “Tidying Up” with Marie Kondo. As a person who wanted order in her life I was attracted to this show because Marie took a holistic approach to tidying up the clutter in many of her client’s homes and by extension their lives. It is amazing how attached we become to things, even a seemingly trivial item as clothing. One guy in the show while they were sorting out clothing and having to let go of some saying that a particular T-shirt was very comfortable and he wanted to keep it and his wife chimed in asking when was the last time had he worn that T-Shirt. It is very easy to become attached to many things and to people and begin to believe that I cannot live without it or them. This came home to me when I recently changed ministry (job) and I realised how attached I had become to this particular position of the ministry. In retrospect I now see that I had found my identity in that position and had be...