
Showing posts from February 5, 2012

Dominican Women & Preaching

Worldwide, the Order of Preachers has been observing a 'novena' of years of our 800 years in the life of the Church.  We began this observance in 2006,  remembering the year 1206 when St. Dominic brought together the first people to form the order, what became known as the Holy Preaching .  Each year has a designated theme with 2012 being:  Dominican Women & Preaching . Fr. Bruno Cadoré, O.P., Master of the Order, wrote in his January 2012 letter to members of the Order, remembering our patron saint, Mary Magdalene, that this year: "invites us to place the announcement of the resurrection at the source of our mission in the Order." You will find his entire letter here: Additionally, Dominican Sisters International, an organization that keeps apostolic sisters connected around the world, has materials related to this year's theme available at this link: http...


In the midst of this electoral primary season, U.S. voters are being inundated with words. Lots of money is being poured into campaigns. There are attack ads and counter attacks.   Is anyone listening? Words, words, words.   Is anyone listening?! Paul said in his First Letter to the Corinthians, chapter 9, that the obligation to preach has been “imposed” on him, and “woe to me if I do not preach it!”   By what authority has it been imposed? Is it burdensome? Is it compulsory? Is it enforced? As Dominican women we can say, like Paul, the obligation to preach has been imposed on us.   In 2012 Dominican women all over the world (some 25,000) are preaching the good news of God’s love for all!   However, it is something that is freely embraced.   And done creatively!   As a recent book called The Dominican Way says: “…they are to be found in every part of the world and engaged in every sort of activity, from fighting for justice and pea...