New Learnings

“I love the dark hours of my being.” Rainer Maria Rilke These uncharted times have shown a light on some new self-learning. Like many of you, I have less face-to-face contact with family, friends, colleagues. Even while I have managed to find good healthy activities (i.e. daily exercising, letter writing, phone calls, gardening) I have found this an inwardly quiet time. Have sorted out my drawers and closets and papers, I find this a time for a new ‘self-awareness’. I’ve taken to pause with poetry. I remember in new ways pieces of my family history. I recall special moments of ministry and service. And I find myself seeing them in new ways, with a fresh perspective. In a word, I have new HOPE. This has allowed me to have a new openness, curiosity and wonder. How is this time deepening your self-understanding? What are you learning ‘new’ about yourself and your history? What ...