Giving Up Indifference

Many years ago I came to realize giving up chocolate for Lent was not really helpful for anyone including myself. I began to see Lent as a time to take up a good habit, to form a new way of being, and/or to learn something useful. At Pope Francis’ suggestion, I am giving up indifference for Lent. And…I am trying to allow this to be a Spirit led process. Prayerfully, I am asking more questions of myself: How am I indifferent to needs in my life, in my congregation of Sisters, in the Church, in the neighborhood, and beyond? What are systemic evils that I choose to ignore? What systemic evils do I need to do more than I am doing already? What do I need to learn so that my indifference may be healed? Yes…healed! And will I be patient and trusting in the healing needed? One systemic evil the Sinsinawa Dominicans have called ourselves to face is our own internalized racism - not only personally but importantly as an inst...