Being a Dominican in Springtime

We are in the Easter season and spring has finally come to the Midwest. The temps are warmer and Earth is greening everywhere you look. Gentle rain lulls you to sleep at night. What a marvel to see the new growth of leaves, the green grass, and the unbelievable color in the recently budded flowers and bushes and trees. I especially love the newness of the leaves…they look all wrinkly and squishy…. Elizabeth Schussler Fiorenza says, “Resurrection does not simply spell the survival of the soul but requires the transformation of the world as we know it.” (Jesus: Miriam’s Child, Sophia’s Prophet: Critical Issues in Feminist Christology, 121) Springtime reminds me of transformation. Can I be present to this newness all around me? What do I notice? Where do I see beauty? Springtime is such a gift. With this new season comes amazing change. All I need to do is open my eyes and ears and hear...