
Showing posts from June 15, 2014

Dominican Summer

Did you see the opening ceremony of the World Cup 2014 from Brazil (it is on  What a beautiful, colorful exhibition of Brazil and the 32 countries from around the world who are finalist in this sport event.  This summer, in my theology classes, the world is with me as well.  In the small conference room on the second floor of O’Laughlin Hall at Barry University, I study each day with Nigeria, Mexico, Haiti, Colombia, Jamaica, and the United States.  Saint Dominic said, “Speak either to God or about God.”   In these classes, we talk to and about God in a variety of languages and experiences.   What a gift.   How about you?   What are you talking about and to this summer? Peggy Ryan, OP Whitefish Bay, WI          

"God - I love You!"

St Francis of Assisi is often quoted as saying: "Preach always, when necessary use words."   In this blog entry, my adaptation is this: "Preach always and use as few words as is necessary." In recent weeks one of the elder Passionists, among whom I ministry in their retreat center, has been dying.   In fact Fid (as we called him-short for Fidelis) died this week that I am writing this blog. In his latter days one of his community brothers, going to his room to check on him, over heard him praying: "God ~ I love You!"   When I heard the story I was so moved that it has stayed with me through the days of his wake & funeral. When I sent my Friday tweet I quoted him and then came this inspiration: Perfect #Preaching. In these simple four words, Fid prayed and preached perfectly.   What a grace it was that one of his brothers heard it and has shared it.   These words became the final words of the funeral homily.   They are traveling to many places ...