What Really Matters

I recently read a reflection that has really impacted my thinking, attitude, and prayer. The author Fr. Herbert McCabe, an English Dominican theologian and philosopher, wrote “What matters first is that we are loved. We matter, not first because of what we have made of ourselves, but because of what God has made of us. To serve God is to … begin to love ourselves as God loves us: not for being rich or clever or powerful, but just for being ourselves.” This week promises to be a very busy one that could, in fact, be stressful. What will be needed from all of us is compassion for ourselves and each other as we move through the activities of the week. I don’t know about you, but when life happens and things don’t go as I thought they would, I tend to “stress” rather than remembering perfection doesn’t matter. What does matter is that we are loved no matter what happens in life. So let’s make a pact today and tomorrow to be gentle with o...