Let Your Light Shine

During Advent, the Sinsinawa Dominican family invited everyone to join them as they sat with the question, “How will you let the light in?” In what ways and in what spaces were we individually and collectively willing to allow the Good News of Christ’s birth, the Good News of the Gospel, into our hearts and lives? I thought that was a terrific reflection. I suspect those who pondered it can name ways they consciously chose to “let the light in”. Now, after crossing the threshold of this New Year, it seems to me that our challenge is to keep that flame burning within our hearts while allowing its light to shine without . Our challenge now is to nurture our God-light while allowing it to illumine the dark places of our world, to give hope to the poor, the imprisoned, the physically and spiritually hungry, the refugee and immigrant, the lonely, the suffering, the marginalized. Our work is in the world, so badly in need of the hope of...