Our Vocation to Love and Belong

Everyone has a vocation, our first vocation is the call to love and belong to others. This was the foundation of the Choice retreat weekend that I led last weekend. Twenty five single Catholic males and females between the ages of 22-39 years of age discussed the idea of all of them having a vocation. For many of them this was the first time they had heard of this concept, they thought that only priests and nuns had a real vocation. The retreat helped them to realize that they also had a vocation and that married life and the single dedicated life are also very important vocations. The young people shared their lives, their joys and pains with one another. Some of them had many challenges in their lives and they realized that they needed the support of others who they trusted to help them through. They heard of the importance of not allowing others to lead them to decisions that they were not yet ready or equipped to...