Are we coming or going?

Several years ago one of our elder Sisters asked Sr. Ann Willits, OP this question: Are we coming or going? Ann was in the process of writing a presentation for an event as the Order of Preachers was celebrating our 800 th anniversary worldwide. She said the question was just what she needed for her presentation. I have never forgotten this question and in times of transition it especially comes to mind. For me this summer is a time of transition as I move from a long-time retreat ministry in Florida to my hope of developing an itinerant preaching ministry…and…moving back to the Chicago area. (Oh my – the artic vortex!) This time of transition is filled with the question – am I coming or going? The only correct answer is: YES! That little connector – “OR” -- belies the truth about transitions because these times in our lives include both. They include goodbyes and hellos, letting go and going forth, p...