If there was no change, there would be no Fall.

I received a beautiful card in the mail a few weeks ago from Sr. Joan Duerst with the quote: “If there was no change, there would be no butterflies.” This simple yet profound quote passes through my mind every time I walked by the beautiful Ginkgo Biloba tree that stood outside of Dominican High school on my way to the Campus Ministry room. I greeted this tree every morning with a smile, because I was excited to see its stages of transition when the Fall season began. Sure enough, the Ginkgo Bilboa tree transformed into a radiant and golden work of art. One day, I decided to take a picture of the beautiful tree and I am very happy that I did because at the end of that day, all of its beautiful leaves blew away. The tree is now bare, but I am so grateful that I was able to journey with this tree, even if it was for a short while. The tree reminds me of myself in so many ways, because as I continue to transition, grow, and transform during my candidate year, I know ...