Are you awake to the sacrament of the present moment? What a gift to really live in the NOW! That’s all we have. The more I choose to practice mindfulness, I am able to “wake up” and welcome each day with a grateful heart. What a privilege to assist our sisters in these uncertain times as we learn to “be” and live more fully in the present moment. Together we are “waking up” to this day, discovering the sacredness of each moment. Brother David Steindl-Rast shares a simple practice that leads to grateful living. He encourages us to: Stop! Be present. . . awake. . .alert . . .aware! Look! Gain perspective. . .let go of judgment. . .be open. . .live in awe! Go! Cultivate a sense of possibility. . .deepen your appreciation for life. . . be creative. . .make a difference! Brother David’s “A Network for Grateful...