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As we turn the corner on Lent - pilgrimage through the Triduum - we arrive in the season that really marks our lives in Christ - the season of Easter. We are Resurrection People regardless of the church calendar. I tweet. I blame it on one of my godchildren. On Mondays I tweet. The April 14th entry reads: # takewhatyouneed Community ~ Gathering ~ Prayer ~ Remembering ~ Fasting ~ Feasting ~ Singing ~ Alleluia ~ Joy ~~Breathe In ~ Breathe Out ~~ Every Monday it is the same hashtag with different groups of words. This week the inspiration came easily - Holy Week. The words emerged as I considered what I needed this week. The hashtag invitation to others is to consider what they might need. Some may be included in my list. And then there is always the invitation to purposefully take a breath. Try it right now. What do you need right now? What groups of words do you need to draw from? Don't for...