Stretching the Search

I have a beloved twin sister who hates to shop but also knows she needs some new clothes. She always wants me to go with her and when I ask her what we’re looking for, she answers, “I’ll know what I want when I find it.” How many of us have that experience – maybe not at a shopping mall or online retailer – but in searching for wisdom, insight, a new way to pray, a new challenge in study? I’m always grateful when someone recommends a new book or article because “It is really mind stretching.” Like my love/hate relationship with exercise, I could easily stick to my favorite mystery writers and read nothing else or listen only to my favorite podcast, but it’s when I choose to or am encouraged or challenged to search, stretch, push my comfortable boundaries, that I discover that I have found what I truly wanted. It is a choice we must make, in large and small ways, to search for what we truly want, even when we’re not sure what that is! ...