A Shot in the Arm

A few weeks ago the three of us who live together here in Austin, Texas, got our first dose of the vaccine. After weeks of frustration we received a quick hint from a neighbor’s daughter that vaccines were available, We quickly signed up and the next day we were among the 4000 people who drove over to the site—a huge car racing complex. We were cheered by many young volunteers who guided us through the maze of cars and cones and eventually to the place where volunteer nursing students gave us the vaccines. We simply put our arms up to the car window. Then more volunteer EMT’s waited the mandatory 15 minutes with us. It was a relief to get the vaccine, but I was especially impressed by the many volunteers who made it all possible and easy. I am so grateful. As we begin to see the end of the pandemic, what are you grateful for? Happy Easter LouAnne Willette, OP Austin, TX