
Showing posts from January 13, 2013

Continuing the Family Theme - We Learn By Example

I am currently a part-time student in a graduate program at Barry University in Miami, FL.  As any  good Dominican would be;  I am enthralled with this rigorous study and all that it entails.  That being said, there are few opportunities in life equal to the examples we learn from others.  One person who constantly teaches me about life and love and God’s eternal compassion is my younger sister, Sharon. There she is in the picture tubing with her youngest, Gracie. My sister Sharon is an amazing woman.  She loves life and is so open to the endless possibilities available to us.  She absolutely refuses to name “normal.”  Her wellspring of compassion matches her zest for life.  Sharon is one of those people who has learned how to always tell the truth.  Smart, funny, full of good humor; Sharon is a joy to be around.  Recently, Sharon, along with her family, had to face an incredible struggle.  She did this with an unfla...

We Saw His Light Appear.....

How "was" your Christmas?  I ask the question in the past tense.  Did you notice I was wrong in doing this?  The Christmas season lasts much longer than one day.  In fact, some Christians observe the season until the presentation of Jesus in the Temple (February 2). Epiphany is a favorite celebration for me.  I find the account in Matthew  compelling - full of intrigue - just plain cool.  Of course we have lots of legendary material that has enhanced & expanded the story, but I prefer to take the account just as it comes to us in the Gospel. This year, for Epiphany, I attended Mass in the Maronite Rite.  This is one of the 23 Rites in our church and is one of the oldest, established in what is present day Lebanon.  In the US, the Rite is celebrated with parts in English, Arabic & Aramaic (the language of Jesus). In the homily, the preacher noted that our English translation of the story in Matthew has always transla...