Change as Inevitable

We say that the one constant in life is change. We may not be sure of many things, but one thing that we can be absolutely sure of is change. In religious life we like to call this transition. I think it has a nicer ring to it. However, it is the same thing- change. I remember when I first entered religious life I dreaded the idea of change, yet it is part of religious life and also part of being Dominican. It is with this itinerant spirit that Dominic founded the order and was himself itinerant. Over the years I still don’t like change much. I like to be in control and for change to happen one has to let go of control, of the known and the unknowns. I am still learning not to dread it as much. In my eleven years with the Dominicans of Sinsinawa I have probably moved about six times already, and I am sure there is more to come. One of the many things that have drawn me to this courageous group of wom...