Community of Preachers

When the feast St Andrew was announced before morning Mass, bells went off inside me. I suddenly remembered that it was on the evening of St Andrew I received the sacrament of Confirmation with other members of my sixth-grade class. It came to me that the bishop that confirmed us also commissioned building the Parish where I belong now. I was smiling at this wonderful intersection when an older man, Tony, offered to walk me home so I would be “safe” on my long walk from the church to the sisters’ house where I live. We both laughed, since it is about 50 feet away. I learned that my escort had worked as a landscaper and had helped prepare the land where the Diocesan office now stands. It is named for the same bishop! Tony talked about trees, and the gift of nature which provides us with clean air and nutritious soil. I encouraged Tony to preach his truth. What truth are we called to preach these days?...