Dominicans and Borders

In one of her short stories, Barbara Kingsolver’s character, Great Mam, who is of the Bird Clan, asks the question, “Why are there state lines on the map if you can’t see them?” What a great question. Why do we label borders that are not there? How do we decide who is a neighbor and who is not? How do we decide who is a sister or brother and who is not? As Dominicans, we are called to offer our lives in community with a selflessness that mirrors that of Christ. Who do we see? How do we offer our gifts and talents? What are our priorities? Dominicans have to ask the question, in the midst of all our own troubles and brokenness, “How does my life relieve the misery of another?” Whether the suffering of another falls within our borders, within the lines of our map, or takes place across the globe, we are called to accompaniment. Love knows no border. Peggy R...