What About Those Beads?

Growing up praying the rosary with my faith-filled grandma, was something I loved to do; in fact, doing just about anything with her had meaning and was special. Her theology of “Rosary Saying” centered around her desire to “save souls from Purgatory.” Later in life my mom used to tell me to say the rosary when I couldn’t sleep. Sleep was precious to the mother of nine children; her theology of “Rosary Saying” was about getting enough ZZZZZ’s. Certainly as a Sinsinawa Dominican Sister of the Most Holy Rosary, I’ve had lots of exposure to praying the rosary as: a devotion, a meditation on Christ’s life or as a centering mantra. Lately, the Scriptural Rosary, where lines or passages from the Gospels, based on a theme like forgiveness, mercy, service, etc, and used between decades, has come to have renewed meaning for me. What’s your take on praying the rosary? Sister Christina Heltsley, O.P. St. Francis Center Executive Director