
Showing posts from December 10, 2017

I Live My Life in Ever Widening Circles

Look I am going to send a messenger before you; he will prepare your way.   Mark 1: 1-8 The above passage is taken from the Gospel for the second Sunday of Advent.   As I review my own story and my journey to faith and love of the historical Jesus, I am humbled by the many 'messengers' who helped prepare the way for me.   But, as the poet Rilke says I live my life in 'ever widening circles', and I am even more humbled by the array of messengers from so many different traditions that are preparing the way for me.  These messengers are preparing me to situate my story in the broader context of the story of the universe, and to see myself and all of creation as part of an interconnected whole.   How is this happening for you?  Who are your messengers? Gail Jagroop, OP St. Joseph, Trinidad