The Rhythm of a Community

Community life (living together as sisters) has always been a high point of my vocation. The rhythm of a community can give, or stifle life in all forms of communal living, families, roommates, etc. Time dedicated for prayer, meals, study, and play are essential components in a religious community. The morning hours, in all the communities I have lived, are quiet times. There is always movement about the house, but silence provided an opportunity for private prayer. Time to sit in silence with scripture and in God’s presence was my “get right” opportunity to start my day. In community living there is designated time for communal prayer and meals, and opportunity to talk about your day. There was time after the evening meal to play games (Hand and Foot was my favorite card game), watch TV, read a book, grade papers, or visit with one or two sisters. Usually between 9-10 pm there was silence, another opportunity for private prayer. The rhythm of these communitie...