A Dominican--A Hound of the Lord

I have just come off a month of dog duty. I walked Tiger, the dog, early morning and late evening. Made sure he got his medicine two times a day. and enticed him to do what was needed by offering treats. Today when I walked alone I remembered that St. Dominic was often symbolized by a hound with a torch in its mouth. Check it out! https://churchpop.com/2017/08/07/hounds-of-the-lord-the-little-known-meaning-of-the-dominican-dog/ I learned that the nick name for all Dominicans is “Hounds of the Lord.” It means I am to run through the world and set it on fire with the WORD of the LORD. I learned some attributes of hounds from observing Tiger. · Search for evidence of where people are to be found · Examine things carefully to see if they are true · Sprint toward people and things with which to make contact · Walk in lovi...