On Celebration

Attending a number of significant celebrations during the last couple of months has both buoyed me up and made me think about the role of celebrations in my life. My older brother died on May 11; his wake and funeral were held a week later. In mid-June, I attended the first profession of one of our novices, and a week later I returned to the Mound for a morning ceremony expressing gratitude toward the out-going leadership team and the afternoon installation ceremony of our new leadership team. Last weekend, I was back at the Mound to celebrate with our 50- year Jubilarians. As are the wakes and funerals of our Sisters, my brother’s wake and funeral were celebrations of his life. Dozens of details from the grandsons who carried his casket to the young granddaughter who played taps at his grave reflected the good life Tony had lived. In common with many ordinary good people, he and his wife concentrated on raising good children. They, in turn, have con...