Take What You Need
A year ago a young woman in her first year of college had a very simple idea. . .that went viral. So much so that it is something that is now part of my ministry. Katie North decided to post tear-away signs around her campus with the title: Take What You Need . Here’s a bit more about her idea at this site. A colleague heard about this idea, created her own poster and sent it to me. Besides her original, I have made additional posters with different words – just hang them by my office door. The tabs disappear. It seems people are taking what they need: hope, understanding, peace, healing, joy, gratitude, forgiveness. . . What do we truly need in our lives today– not tomorrow – right now? Is it to be loved? To be courageous? To have hope? To offer hope? Or??? What do you need – today? Risk asking for it. God knows even before we ask but companions on our life journey are not...