Different Kinds of Classrooms

I am no stranger to classrooms. In fact, I receive tremendous energy and joy from being a student, especially a student of theology. So, my Dominican sisters, friends, and family were not surprised that I registered to take a Christian Ethics course this semester. Two other types of classrooms are also capturing my attention and engaging my heart. For the past four years, I have been a student of life within the context of our criminal justice system, working with women sentenced to serve time in a county corrections facility. Two months ago, I additionally said yes to working with people facing a significant crisis of some kind because of a lost job, possibility of eviction from their homes, or lack of money to pay bills and buy food. I study hard, work hard, and learn something new every day. Mostly what I am learning these days seems to be about paying attention – to others, my attitudes toward them, decisions that I make, and how I choose t...