Dominican Sisters age 45 and under celebrate Dominican Life – Part 1

Srs. Dulce (MSJ), Thobile (South Africa) 
and Mary Therese (MSJ)    
On October 7-12, 2011 in Fremont, CA I gathered with 34 young Dominican Sisters from North America gathered at Mission San Jose Dominican Motherhouse.  Our gathering was called Walking Together with Realism, Daring and Hope.  We were welcomed through videos sent by Dominican Sisters from Nigeria (Africa) and the Philippines (Asia).   We came from all over North America and represented ten congregations.  We shared about our present realities and discussed our experiences as young Dominicans.  It was exciting to find out how similar our lives were regardless of the Dominican congregation we belonged to.  It was evident in our sharing of how much we love our Dominican life of study, prayer, community, ministry and hospitality.  Many North American congregations founded in the 1800s are now diminishing in numbers.  It was invigorating to find out numbers were not a concern for us and in no way did these damper our Dominican Spirit and hope for the future.  We love our older sisters and they are the shoulders we stand on.   In discussing our reality and global reality the end result is Walking Together.  I felt blessed to be part of gathering of grace-filled wisdom women on fire to preach the Word filled with Hope for the future. 
..…part 2 of young Dominican Sisters gathering next month.

Priscilla Torres,OP
Jacksonville, Florida


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