Where Life and Faith Intersects

Being in the hope business can be both life giving and downright frustrating at times. One would think that managing a small country parish would seem less difficult than being in a large city one. However, this is not true, because people are people no matter where they are and they deal with similar issues on a regular basis. Being a religious sister and a parish administrator daily , means that I am called upon to continuously share hope with the people who are minister with. It means always being open, compassionate and a good listener. I must confess that I am not always these things. P arish ministry calls me to be continuously stre tched and challenged to grow into my best s elf , something I know would not have been possible if I was not a Dominican of Sinsinawa sister. On a regular basis I share in the life of my parishioners who share their joys, griefs , hopes, dreams and failures. T...