Thanksgiving with Family
Over the last week, I have been asked if I will be spending Thanksgiving with family. I have said yes, though it will not be with biological family. This Thanksgiving I am scheduled to be with residents (moms/babies). The residents will be spending Thanksgiving with the Sisters and me. Both are excited to have dinner together. One of the residents whose family is not the U.S. told me family for her is those with whom she is with and those who care for her. Matthew 12:46-48 comes to mind, where Jesus witnesses the relationship change of family. Someone tells Jesus his mother and brothers are outside waiting to speak to him. Jesus tells this person “whoever does the will of my Father are my mother, brothers, sisters.” So this Thanksgiving, as I look around at the different faces at the dinner table these are my family. As Dominicans, we believe at the heart of ministry is relationship. This Thanksgiving I am thankful fo...