Making a Lifetime Commitment

Making a lifetime commitment in today’s time can seem like a very daunting and frightening thing to do. In a world where everything is instance and commitments made, many times do not last forever. I was faced with this reality of making a lifetime commitment about three weeks before I was due to make my final profession of vows. Doing this would mean that I would be vowing obedience which included poverty and chastity “even unto death.” I had to question myself and ask if I was really ready to make this huge commitment. In my mind and heart I went over what this really meant for me. No marriage, no children, no sex, not having my own money, living with others I would not necessarily choose to live with. These were some of the things I was letting go of. Then why did I want to make this commitment? I freely wanted to make this commitment firstly, because I felt that this is what God wanted for me and that God knew me bet...