“The Daily Show and Stephen Colbert”

Did you catch these two shows in the last couple of weeks? They both featured interviews with Catholic women – The Daily Show had a moral theologian and law professor from Notre Dame, Cathleen Kevany, and Stephen Colbert interviewed House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi, on Ash Wednesday. It’s a political season and so Jon Stewart’s interest had been picqued by several controversial topics related to religious issues brought up by a Catholic Republican candidate. Yet, the conversation was amazingly thoughtful (and also very entertaining J - including when he spoofed the Pope setting up a Twitter account!). I was reminded of how important it is to stay abreast of what others find important, even – or, especially – when they are from a different background or a different generation. This is a great Lenten practice, to say nothing of an essential practice for anyone who is serious about preaching God’s love for all. Being open to change, to b...