My New Red Shoes

I’ve always loved shoes! When I was younger I thought they needed to be high heels… Now I realize that they don’t, and I can look for other things that I want. I go beyond comfort (which is a given ). Last week I was out shopping and I saw a pair of shoes that met all my expectations. They were both comfortable and soft . They were RED, and, best of all, they were on SALE! I had to have them!! Not only that, but in the past week I’ve found plenty of things to wear them with. Needless to say, I absolutely love my new red shoes! They’re perfect for the nights I am at the hospital as chaplain. They’re quiet and lightweight, easy to slip on and off. And I can even wear them when I go to a Wisconsin State Prison, which I will this week. As I sit in a circle with others I’ll notice their shoes. They do not have the luxury of shopping, as I do. And many of them cannot afford to buy the at...