Review, Reflection and Resolutions

Birthdays and the end of the year for me is always a time of review and reflection of the year past and looking forward to new things in the year to come. The year 2019 have been an exceptionally great year for me, in that my ministry challenges me to become a better version of myself. I am in a ministry that I am passionate about, because hopefully I am making a difference in our archdiocese. My ministry challenges me frequently to bring forth gifts I didn’t even know that I possessed. I think it is truly ironic that a ministry, that at first, I didn’t want, I am now passionate about and I am told I am very good at it. I tend to believe it when one of the persons is the archbishop among others who tell me this. God really works in mysterious ways. Relationships are truly vital to me and to who I am as a person. I lost one of my dearest friend and sister this year, she saw the good in me, she saw my gif...