Daily Prayer in Advent

Here in Wisconsin, in the USA, North America is cold and snowy in December. The days are getting shorter. That’s not true everywhere, of course. In the darkness of the early morning each day we pray about all that we are seeing and hearing – in our dreams, in the gospel, in the daily news. We pray for those who do not feel they belong – who do not feel comfortable in their own skins, who are estranged from others, and who do not have a sense of the presence of God. We pray for peace – in our own hearts, and in the hearts of all who live with fear and for those who exercise power. We pray for all – whose needs we know and for those whose needs we do not know. We pray because Sophia, Wisdom, is with us – and we want to be awake enough to notice how that makes a difference in our world. What do you see this Advent? Ruth Poochigian, OP Madison, Wisconsin