What's Perking

Sisters have been featured online and in print in the last eight weeks. Check out the following links when time allows.

Sister Pat Rogers, OP, shared her insight on racism as a black Catholic Sister on the Nov. 14 Just Politics podcast sponsored by NETWORK and U.S. Catholic magazine. The title of the podcast is "It's OK to call something racist." "The Catholic Church teaches that all human life is sacred and the dignity of the human person is the foundation for social teaching," said Pat. "If that's true, you have to ask the questions . . . why is it that black Catholic children were denied a Catholic education before the Civil Rights movement? . . . I learned that the first black nuns had to establish their own congregations because they were not welcome. It still makes me wonder what happened to the 'dignity of all humans [stance of the Church].' . . . We continue to see racism in the selection of deacons, in the non-recruitment of people of color to religious life, and we see it in the pews. Over the years, the Catholic Church has tried to clean up some of this . . . but racism is still present." Listen to the full podcast at 
https://uscatholic.org/articles/202211/just-politics-its-ok-to-call-something-racist/ by clicking on the "play" triangle in the orange box. (Be sure to have your volume turned on/up.)

Sisters Isabel Rafferty, OP, and Mary Ellen Gevelinger, OP, both wrote a reflection for Edgewood College's "Reflections for the Season of Advent" booklet. Each day features a new reflection from someone connected with the college. The reflection booklet can be accessed by clicking or tapping on the following link: 

Sisters Toni Harris, OP; Quincy Howard, OP; Julie Schwab, OP; Priscilla Wood, OP; Ann Halloran, OP; and Mary Ellen Green, OP, were featured in the Dec. 4 edition of the Dubuque Telegraph Herald in an article about Sinsinawa Mound titled "Sacred Spaces: Sinsinawa Sisters reflect on past, future ahead of major changes." To read the article, click on the following link: https://www.telegraphherald.com/news/tri-state/article_4714c152-6f0f-11ed-983d-e70a772405b9.html

To view video of an interview with Priscilla and the bell choir practice, click on the following link: 

Sister Maggie Hopkins, OP, gave a presentation at Saint Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Church, Madison, titled "Witnessing Participants, Birthing God." The "Lighting the Way: An Advent Celebration for Women" was held at the parish Dec. 1. To see a picture of her and others at the event, click on the following link: 


Sister Priscilla Torres, OP, was featured on the Love Wisconsin digital storytelling project website in a December article titled "'It is a blessing to live in community, to love and serve God and God's people.'" She said, "I attended a come-and-see weekend with the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa, and it was a wonderful time. Some of the Sisters had strong personalities and some were gentle. When they came together to pray, it was just this one, beautiful group of faithful women. . . . I also found it was a joyful life. . . . Religious life continues to evolve and change. As Sisters, we're called to see the needs and signs of the times. We minister to the needs of the time. The call from God continues." Love Wisconsin is a project of the Wisconsin Humanities organization. Read the full story at https://www.lovewi.com/priscilla/

Sister Quincy Howard, OP, wrote an Oct. 28 Global Sisters Report article titled, "Flipping the script and other nun tips for practicing hope." Quincy mentions many reasons to lose hope in the 21st century we are living in and places we find despair in our world. She concludes, "Ultimately, you have nothing to lose by making hope a practice. In the worst-case scenario, you will have courageously stayed engaged. And it's possible that you'll surprise yourself by helping to chart a better course for humanity." Read more at https://www.globalsistersreport.org/flipping-script-and-other-nun-tips-practicing-hope



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