Essential Values of Dominican Life

My life is rich. Dominicans are grounded in prayer, study, ministry, and community. I am grateful for all the ways I am enriched through these essentials of our life together. Presently I am engaged in ministry as a spiritual companion, retreat facilitator, care giver, and a hospice volunteer. I also minister with our sisters as a manager of our Westchester Apartments in Illinois. I am living our Dominican mission of proclaiming the Gospel as I preach and teach with my life. I am participating with others in the building of a holy and just church and society. I am so aware that the four essentials are interconnected. There is a wholeness to my life. My experiences as a Dominican are deepened through prayer, study, community, and ministry. I realize that these are not unique to professed Dominicans. Our life together is grounded in these essentials and we consistently and intentionally reflect on how we live these out. I am able to faithfully ...