
I love Celebrations!! Who doesn’t? Last week was a week of celebrations. My sisters and I gathered at my youngest sister’s (Janet) home. It was Sister’s Week, a yearly event during which the five of us celebrate being sister to one another. While there, we hosted a baby shower for Janet’s daughter-in-law and newest grandchild, a little boy much anticipated and longed for after Ami’s 3 miscarriages. The new baby has an older brother who is 16. What a change and celebration for that family! We also celebrated Janet’s birthday by participating in a murder mystery train ride. Between courses of a five-course dinner, actors did scenes from a murder mystery play in each of the dining cars. It was up to the train riders to guess the murderer and the motive. We shared in the meal, delightful conversation, and of course, speculations regarding “who done it.” None of us made the correct deduction, but we celebrated well....