This Famous Jesus.....

It is almost Christmas day. And this is a day to celebrate, the birth of this famous Jesus! He entered in and turned the world of many upside down. I’ve been a follower and learned that it is not an easy road. But it is a road filled with joy! With a joyful attitude we can live into the problems we encounter and handle well our life story. As Dominican sisters we trust in God and God’s care for us. We also trust in one another in community. I think Jesus became incarnate (human) so that we can get in touch with our full humanity and realize God is here on this Earth, right next to us every day. We who are followers of Jesus encounter God in other people, in family experiences, in the natural environment. I find this Jesus in the struggle for justice in our world. Right from the prenatal state, Jesus was summoned to suffer as King Herod sought out this child. But Jesus was also summoned to be a profound voice for those working in community, for the needs of all. Christmas is a ti...