Holding on –

Sixteen years ago, on September 11, 2001, I was in New York City with several of our Sinsinawa Sisters. Four of us were attending a meeting at the United Nations and we were staying at our convent in Manhattan. Beginning with that Tuesday morning in New York, we navigated together through the devastating and frightening days that followed the attacks on the World Trade Center. This terrible event that we remember as “9/11” marks for me a catastrophic shift in our understanding of ourselves and of our world. For many, “security” seems to be the reality that trumps many values that have been essential to the fabric of our nation. Seeing the “other” as a potential threat rather than as an opportunity to encounter Jesus is a view that seems pervasive. Each year when the anniversary of “9/11” occurs, I find myself reflecting about how this event continues to shape us. In these days of many disasters at home and around the worl...