St. Thomas Aquinas - Old and New

As Dominican women, we are connected to a long and beautiful history. Our founder, Saint Dominic de Guzman dates back to the12th and 13 th centuries. That is a very long time. It is so easy to get confused with our modern technology and lifestyle of instant gratification in believing that old is not necessarily good or essential or even relevant. What could a Spaniard who was born in the 1100s and died in the 1200s possibly have to tell you or me today? What does it really matter that we have trailing behind us like a winding road down a steep mountain a huge number of men and women, fellow Dominicans, who strove to live the gospel of truth and love, just as we strive to do today? One of those Dominicans is Saint Thomas Aquinas from Italy. He lived so long ago that historians are not even sure of the exact date of his birth! (They say either 1224 or 1225.) This man, always searching for the truth, like any good Dominican...