Jesus with Us

This advent season a young woman told me she loved Christmas because it is all about Jesus and people are nice, giving and willing to share with others and even strangers. There is hope in the world despite the hardships and struggles. She wished Christmas could be all year long. As we approach the end of the Advent season, often it is forgotten or lost in the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping, gifts and parties. Advent is a time to slow down, stop, wait, hope, take inventory of our life and ask the question, where is Jesus in our life, do we need to make changes or let of go of things …….for Christmas is about Jesus with us. As we wait in hope, anticipation and expectancy of Christmas, of Emmanuel “God with us…” let us prepare these last days of Advent. And I ask, why could we not live as if Christmas was all year long, extending the love, hope, joy and peace of Jesus to all…for Jesus is with us. What do you need to surre...