Dominicans and Lent

Photo Credit: Sheila Yousuf-Abramson/Fred Oskin We often spend time in Lent looking within. What is getting in the way of our relationship with God? We focus on fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. For Dominicans, Lent must also have an outward focus and involve the world in which we live. How is our relationship with God moving us toward those on the margins, our sisters and brothers? Recently, Dominican University’s School of Social Work boarded buses at (UGH) 4:30 a.m. to go to our state capital, Springfield, IL. We participated with other graduate programs in the National Association of Social Work Advocacy Day. We met with legislators. We connected policy to programs. We stood up for our sisters and brothers who are left outside of access to basic human rights. Lent calls us to this kind of accompaniment. The wide mercy of God calls us to walk with...