“Look for Me in the Nurseries of Heaven”

As I pondered what I would write about this month, much crossed my mind and heart. In particular, this summer, I have been thinking about and praying for our Iraqi Dominican Family as the first anniversary of their night of terror (August 6) was observed this month. I am part of a US Dominican Committee whose focus is on the situation for the Iraqi Dominican Sisters and Friars and the people they are serving in displacement camps and refugee centers. We prepared and sent out a prayer for the anniversary and other ways to observe this time including an origami peace crane project. This latter project tied into the 70 th anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki. A horror no one should ever repeat again. The peace crane has become a symbol of hope in the face of terror and tragedy. And yet more comes into this few August days. One of our oldest sisters died on the eve (August 7) of St Dominic’s Feast Day – just as two women were receive...