Dominicans and Priorities

How do you define what or who is most important to you? Where does your energy go? What would you grab if you had to run out of a burning building? There are so many ways to ask each of us what really matters. For Dominicans, our mission to share with others the fruits of our contemplation centers our lives around the life of Christ. We name mercy, love, peace, and justice as our main concerns. Prayer, study, community, and preaching make up the rhythm of our days and our nights. We work to free ourselves, our Congregation, and our world from racism. We join with others to find ways to live sustainably. Gun violence, the protection of our planet, being concerned for the equity and inclusion of all of God’s children, the plight of migrant refugees and immigrants searching for ways to feed their families, fair voting, and making sure that all those who have been marginalized can tell that we are with them….these ...